Market Guide for Active Metadata Management

Market Guide for Active Metadata Management: The market for active metadata management is growing as organizations become more aware of the value of their data and the need to protect it. Active metadata management helps organizations to understand their data, control access to it, and ensure its quality. There are a number of vendors that offer products and services in this space, and this guide provides an overview of the market and some of the key players.

If you’re looking for a market guide for active metadata management, you’ve come to the right place. In this blog post, we’ll explore the ins and outs of active metadata management, including what it is, why it’s important, and how to find the right solution for your needs. What Is Active Metadata Management?

Active metadata management is a process of tracking and managing metadata throughout its lifecycle. This includes creating, updating, and deleting metadata as needed. Active metadata management helps ensure that your metadata is accurate and up-to-date, which can be critical for business success.

Why Is Active Metadata Management Important? There are several reasons why active metadata management is so important. First, accurate and up-to-date metadata is essential for making informed decisions about your data.

Second, well-managed metadata can help improve the efficiency of your data operations. And finally, by keeping track of your metadata changes over time, you can more easily identify and fix problems when they arise. How to Find the Right Solution for Your Needs

When it comes to finding a solution for active metadata management , there are a few things to keep in mind. First , make sure that the solution you choose supports all of the major metadata standards . Second , look for a solution that offers flexible deployment options so that you can deploy it in a way that best meets your needs .

And finally , consider whether or not the vendor offers professional services to help you get started with using their solution .

Atlan named in Gartner’s Inaugural Market Guide for Active Metadata Management

What is Market Guide for Active Metadata?

Active metadata is information that describes, explains, locates, or otherwise makes it easier to find, use, or manage data. Active metadata is typically stored in a database and used to generate reports or query results. The term can also refer to the software that manages active metadata.

What is Active Metadata Management?

Active metadata management is the proactive and comprehensive management of an enterprise’s metadata. It involves the identification, classification, labeling, and curation of metadata so that it can be effectively used to support business goals and objectives. Active metadata management ensures that metadata is accurate, up-to-date, and easily accessible to those who need it.

An effective active metadata management strategy starts with identifying all of the organization’s metadata. This can be a daunting task, but there are many tools and techniques that can help. Once all of the organization’s metadata has been identified, it needs to be classified and labeled.

This will make it easier to find and use later on. Finally, the organization’s metadata needs to be regularly curated so that it remains accurate and up-to-date. There are many benefits to actively managing your organization’s metadata.

Perhaps most importantly, it helps ensure that your data is properly managed throughout its lifecycle. Additionally, active metadata management can improve search ability, making it easier for users to find the information they need. And finally, by keeping your metadata organized and up-to-date, you can avoid costly mistakes and duplication.

If you’re looking to get started with active metadata management in your organization, there are a few key things to keep in mind. First, start small by focusing on one specific goal or use case at a time. Second, involve as many stakeholders as possible in the process so that everyone understands the importance of active metadata management.

What is Required for Metadata Management?

In order to effectively manage metadata, there are certain required steps and components. First, you need to have a clear understanding of what metadata is and how it can be used. Metadata is basically data about data – it helps describe and organize information so that it can be more easily found and used.

There are many different types of metadata, but some common examples include file name, size, date created, author name, etc. Once you have a good understanding of what kinds of metadata exist, you need to develop a system for cataloging and storing this information. This usually involves creating a central repository where all metadata can be stored and accessed.

In addition, you need to establish procedures for regularly updating and managing the metadata. This includes things like setting standards for how new metadata should be entered into the system, ensuring that old or outdated information is removed or updated as needed, etc. Finally, it is also important to have tools in place for actually using the metadata.

This might include search functions within the repository or integrations with other software applications. Developing an effective metadata management system requires careful planning and execution. But doing so can greatly improve the efficiency and usefulness of your organization’s data assets.

What is Metadata Management Gartner?

According to Gartner, metadata management is “the process of discovering, classifying, governing and deploying enterprise metadata across the organization.” In other words, it’s all about managing the data that describes your data. This might sound like a relatively simple task, but in reality it can be quite complex.

There are a lot of different types of metadata (e.g., business terms, technical terms, relationship information, etc.), and each type needs to be managed in a slightly different way. Furthermore, as organizations grow and change over time, their metadata needs will evolve as well. Thus, an effective metadata management strategy requires careful planning and ongoing attention.

But the benefits are well worth the effort: better decision making, improved data quality, reduced costs…to name just a few.

Market Guide for Active Metadata Management


Gartner Magic Quadrant Metadata Management

In the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Metadata Management Solutions, released in August 2019, Informatica was named a Leader. We believe this is our twelfth consecutive year in the Leaders quadrant. Informatica is positioned highest in Ability to Execute and furthest in Completeness of Vision.

Our placement reflects our focus on delivering innovative metadata management solutions that enable enterprises to govern data at scale, increase trust and confidence in their data, and accelerate digital transformation initiatives. The report evaluates 18 vendors based on 15 criteria grouped into three high-level categories: Completeness of Vision and Ability to Execute.

Atlan Metadata Management

Atlan is a metadata management tool that helps organizations to collect, track, and manage their metadata. It provides a central repository for storing metadata, and allows users to search and browse through the repository. Atlan also includes tools for managing permissions and workflow, and integrating with other systems.

Metadata Activation

When you first open a new document in Microsoft Word, have you ever noticed a message that says “Document Properties and Personal Information”? This is metadata activation. By default, Microsoft Office programs insert some hidden information (or metadata) into the documents that you create.

This hidden information can include your personal information like your name or your company’s name, as well as the date that the document was created. Some people are concerned about this because they think that their personal information could be accessed by others without their permission. However, there are ways to prevent this from happening.

For example, you can change the settings in Microsoft Office so that it doesn’t insert any metadata into your documents. Or, if you want to keep the default settings but don’t want your personal information to be included, you can just delete it before saving or sharing the document. Do you have any concerns about metadata activation?

Let us know in the comments!

Gartner Magic Quadrant for Data Catalog

Gartner Magic Quadrant for Data Catalog is a comprehensive guide that provides detailed information about the top data catalog vendors. This report evaluates each vendor based on their ability to meet key criteria, including functionality, usability, and customer satisfaction. The vendors are then placed into one of four categories: Leaders, Challengers, Visionaries, or Niche Players.

The Gartner Magic Quadrant for Data Catalog is an essential resource for anyone considering a data catalog solution. It can help you identify the leading vendors in the market and evaluate their strengths and weaknesses. With this information, you can make an informed decision about which data catalog solution is right for your organization.

Data Lineage Tools Gartner

According to Gartner, data lineage tools are ” software that enables an organization to track the data it uses from its origin through all of the processes that use or modify that data.” In other words, these tools help organizations keep track of where their data comes from and how it flows through their systems. This is important for a number of reasons:

1. It helps ensure that data is accurate and up-to-date. If you know where your data comes from, you can be sure that it’s coming from a reliable source. And if you know how your data flows through your system, you can be sure that it’s being processed correctly.

2. It helps ensure compliance with regulations. If you need to comply with certain regulations (e.g., GDPR), knowing where your data comes from and how it flows through your system is essential.

3. It helps improve decision-making. Knowing where your data comes from and how it flows through your system can help you make better decisions about which processes to use, which products to buy, etc. There are a number of different data lineage tools on the market, so choosing the right one for your organization can be a challenge.

Manta Gartner

Manta is a company that provides research and analysis on the technology industry. They offer services such as market intelligence, competitive analysis, and product development. Their products are used by businesses to make informed decisions about their technology investments.

Gartner is a leading provider of research and analysis on the global technology industry. They offer insights on trends, markets, and competitors to help businesses make informed decisions about their technology investments. Manta’s products are used by businesses of all sizes to stay ahead of the competition and make informed decisions about their technology strategies.

Gartner Magic Quadrant Alation

Alation is proud to be recognized as a Leader in the 2018 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Data Catalogs. This is our second consecutive year in the Leaders quadrant. We believe that this recognition reflects our company’s mission and vision, which are to help people work smarter with data and enable organizations to derive more value from their data assets.

Our product roadmap is focused on continuing to deliver features and capabilities that support these goals. For example, we recently announced new enhancements to our catalog that make it easier for users to find and understand the data they need, regardless of its location or format. In addition, we are laser-focused on helping our customers achieve success with their data initiatives through providing best-in-class customer support and building a thriving ecosystem of technology partners.

Our goal is to continue to provide our customers with the most comprehensive, yet easy-to-use platform for managing their data assets.

Collibra Gartner Magic Quadrant

2020 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Data and Analytics Service Providers In the 2020 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Data and Analytics Service Providers, Collibra was recognized as a Leader. This is our first time appearing in this report.

Gartner evaluated 15 service providers on their ability to execute and vision. Collibra was one of only four companies that were named a Leader. We believe this recognition is a testament to our product vision, focus on the customer, and executional excellence.

What does it mean to be a Leader in the 2020 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Data and Analytics Service Providers? Leaders are defined as those who “demonstrate market-defining vision and execution.” In other words, they not only have a clear understanding of where the market is going but also have the ability to execute against that vision.

This is an important distinction—vision without execution is worthless. It’s something we’ve always strived for at Collibra—to not only see where the market is headed but also build the best products to get there first. And we’re just getting started.

The report goes on to say that “Leaders excel at helping buyers achieve business value from their data and analytics investments.” This has always been our mission at Collibra—to help organizations get more value from their data. We do this by making it easy for them to find, understand, govern, and trust their data so they can make better decisions, faster.

And we will continue to invest in making our products even easier to use and more valuable to our customers.


Market Guide for Active Metadata Management: This post highlights the importance of active metadata management in today’s market. It is crucial for businesses to be able to access and understand their data, and active metadata management provides a framework for doing just that. By understanding the different types of metadata and how they can be used, businesses can make better decisions about their data and ensure that it is being used effectively.

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