Marketing Intelligence And Planning

Marketing Intelligence And Planning: Marketing intelligence is the set of tools and techniques used to collect, analyze and present information that can be used by marketing teams to make decisions. Marketing intelligence can be used to understand market trends, customer behavior, competitor activity and other factors that impact the success of marketing campaigns. Marketing planning is the process of developing strategies and creating a roadmap for how those strategies will be executed.

The goal of marketing planning is to ensure that all marketing activities are aligned with business objectives and support the overall growth strategy. A good marketing plan will take into account the company’s strengths and weaknesses, as well as opportunities and threats in the marketplace.

Marketing intelligence and planning is essential for any business, large or small. It helps you allocate resources effectively, understand your customers better and make informed decisions about where to focus your efforts. There are a number of different aspects to marketing intelligence and planning.

You need to have a clear understanding of your target market, your competitors and the overall industry landscape. You also need to know what kind of marketing mix is right for your business and how to track results effectively. Investing in marketing intelligence and planning can be extremely beneficial for businesses of all sizes.

It can help you save money, time and effort while also helping you achieve better results.

What is Market Intelligence?

What are the 4 Types of Market Intelligence?

There are four types of market intelligence: internal data, external data, primary research, and secondary research. Internal data is information that your company has collected about its own sales, customers, products, and operations. This type of market intelligence can be very useful in understanding your company’s strengths and weaknesses relative to the competition.

External data is information that comes from sources outside of your company. This includes industry reports, demographic data, economic indicators, and other publically-available information. This type of market intelligence can be used to understand the overall trends and developments in your industry or market.

Primary research is information that you collect yourself through surveys, interviews, focus groups, or other direct methods. This type of market intelligence gives you first-hand insights into your customers’ needs and preferences. It can also be used to track changes over time in customer attitudes or behaviors.

Secondary research is information that has already been collected by someone else and published in books, reports, articles, or online. This type of market intelligence can save you time and effort by providing insights that have already been gathered by others.

What is the Impact Factor of Marketing Intelligence And Planning?

The Impact Factor (IF) of a journal is a measure of the frequency with which an average article in the journal has been cited in a given year. It is used as a tool to gauge the relative importance of a journal within its field and to compare journals across different disciplines. The IF can be used as an indicator of the visibility or prestige of a journal, and is therefore often used as a metric for funding decisions, research assessment exercises, and hiring decisions.

The IF of marketing intelligence and planning was first calculated in 2011, and it has remained relatively stable over the years. The current IF for marketing intelligence and planning is 1.826, which means that articles published in this journal are cited an average of 1.826 times per year. This value is slightly lower than the average IF for all business journals (2.065), but it is still within the top 25% of all journals tracked by Thomson Reuters.

Overall, the impact factor of marketing intelligence and planning appears to be solidifying its place as a highly respected academic journal within the field of marketing.

What is the Ranking of Marketing Intelligence And Planning?

There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on a number of factors, including the specific industry and market in question. However, there are a few general observations that can be made about the ranking of marketing intelligence and planning. Generally speaking, marketing intelligence is more important for businesses that operate in highly competitive industries or markets.

This is because having accurate and up-to-date information about your competitors can give you a significant advantage in terms of developing strategies and plans that will allow you to better compete. In contrast, businesses that operate in less competitive industries or markets may not place as much importance on marketing intelligence. This is because they may not need to be as concerned about their competition and thus can focus more on other aspects of their business.

Finally, it should be noted that the size of a business also plays a role in the ranking of marketing intelligence and planning. Generally speaking, larger businesses are more likely to have dedicated teams or departments responsible for collecting and analyzing data, which means they are typically better at generating accurate marketing intelligence. Smaller businesses, on the other hand, may not have the same resources available and thus may not place as much emphasis on this area.

What are the 3 Sources of Marketing Intelligence?

There are three primary sources of marketing intelligence:

1. Market Research – This involves collecting data about consumers, markets, and competition. It can be either primary research (i.e. surveys) or secondary research (i.e. public opinion polls).

2. Competitive Intelligence – This is the process of gathering information about your competitors in order to better understand their strategies, strengths, and weaknesses.

3. Social Media Analytics – With the rise of social media, it’s now possible to track what consumers are saying online about your brand, product, or service.

Marketing Intelligence And Planning


Marketing Intelligence And Planning Journal

In marketing, intelligence refers to the collection and analysis of data that can be used to make informed decisions about marketing strategies and plans. Marketing intelligence can be gathered from a variety of sources, including market research, customer feedback, competitor analysis, and sales data. Marketing intelligence is essential for any business that wants to stay ahead of the competition and make the most of its marketing budget.

By collecting and analyzing data on a regular basis, businesses can identify trends and opportunities, as well as potential threats. This information can then be used to develop targeted marketing campaigns that are more likely to result in success. There are a number of different journal articles available on marketing intelligence and planning.

These articles provide an overview of the topic, as well as some tips for how businesses can get started with their own marketing intelligence gathering and analysis.

Marketing Intelligence And Planning Impact Factor

The Marketing Intelligence and Planning (MIP) Journal is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal that publishes high quality articles on all aspects of marketing intelligence and planning. The journal has a strong international focus and welcomes papers from academics and practitioners around the world. The MIP Journal is committed to promoting excellence in marketing intelligence and planning research and practice.

To this end, the journal: • Provides a forum for the exchange of ideas and information between academics and practitioners; • Encourages debate about the theory, methodology and application of marketing intelligence and planning;

Marketing Intelligence And Planning Scimago

In order to make informed marketing decisions, it is essential to have access to reliable and up-to-date market intelligence. Marketing intelligence is the process of gathering, analyzing and making use of information about a company’s customers, competitors and the overall market. One important source of marketing intelligence is Scimago.

Scimago is a website that provides detailed information and statistics on over 22 million journals from more than 5,000 publishers worldwide. This data can be used to create customized reports on specific markets or topics of interest. Scimago’s data can be particularly useful for planning purposes.

For example, if you are looking to launch a new product in a certain market, Scimago can help you identify which journals are most relevant to that market and what kind of coverage they tend to provide. This information can then be used to develop a targeted marketing plan that stands the best chance of reaching your target audience. If you are serious about making smarter marketing decisions, then Scimago should definitely be part of your research arsenal.

Marketing Intelligence And Planning Author Guidelines

The Marketing Intelligence And Planning (MIP) journal is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes theoretical and empirical papers on all aspects of marketing intelligence and planning. The Journal welcomes submissions from scholars across the globe. Papers submitted to MIP should advance the understanding of marketing intelligence or provide new insights into the planning process.

Papers can be based on qualitative, quantitative, or mixed-methods research designs. We also encourage submission of review articles that synthesize current thinking on a topic within marketing intelligence or planning. All manuscripts must be submitted electronically through the online submission system.

Please refer to our detailed Author Guidelines for more information about the submission process.

Marketing Intelligence And Planning Journal Ranking

If you’re in the market for a good marketing intelligence and planning journal, then you’ll want to check out the latest ranking from Journal Rankings. This comprehensive list ranks journals according to their impact factor, which is a measure of how often they’re cited by other journals. The higher the impact factor, the more influential the journal.

The top-ranked journals in this category are: 1. Journal of Marketing Research 2. Marketing Science 3. Management Science 4. Operations Research 5. Journal of Consumer Research 6. Marketing Letters

These journals are all highly respected and will provide you with the latest research and insights into marketing intelligence and planning. If you’re looking to stay ahead of the curve, then make sure to check out these journals regularly.

Marketing Letters

A marketing letter is a type of business letter that is used to promote a product or service. This type of letter can be used to promote a new product or service, or it can be used to market an existing product or service. Marketing letters are typically written by businesses and sent to potential customers, but they can also be sent to current customers in an effort to upsell them on additional products or services.

When writing a marketing letter, it is important to keep the following things in mind: – The recipient of the letter should be clear. The letter should be addressed to a specific person, rather than “To Whom It May Concern.”

– The purpose of the letter should be clear. The opening paragraph should state why you are writing the letter, and what you hope to achieve with it. – The content of the letter should be persuasive.

Use strong language that will convince the reader to take action, whether that means buying your product or using your service. Be sure to back up any claims with data or statistics. – The tone of the letter should be friendly yet professional.

You want to come across as helpful and knowledgeable, not pushy or sales-y. – The call-to-action (CTA) should be clear. Tell the reader exactly what you want them to do after reading your letter – buy your product, visit your website, etc.

Make it easy for them by providing links and contact information.

European Journal of Marketing

The European Journal of Marketing is a leading scholarly journal that publishes theoretical and empirical research papers in the field of marketing. The journal provides a forum for academics and practitioners to share their knowledge and expertise in all aspects of marketing. The journal covers a wide range of topics including consumer behavior, brand management, advertising, market research, retailing, international marketing, services marketing, and supply chain management.

Journal of Consumer Marketing

The Journal of Consumer Marketing is a quarterly peer-reviewed academic journal that covers the field of consumer marketing. The journal’s editor-in-chief is Alan Bradshaw (University of Southampton). It was established in 1984 and is published by Emerald Group Publishing.

The Journal of Consumer Marketing publishes empirical and theoretical papers that advance our understanding of consumer marketing phenomena. Papers may focus on any aspect of consumer marketing including, but not limited to: branding, communications, customer relationship management, digital marketing, direct marketing, international marketing, loyalty programs, new product development/innovation, packaging, point-of-purchase/in-store marketing, retailing, service quality, and social media marketing.


Marketing intelligence and planning is critical for any business. By understanding your market, you can make informed decisions about where to allocate your resources. Marketing intelligence can be gathered through research, surveys, and customer feedback.

This information can then be used to create a marketing plan that will help you achieve your business goals.

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